October 26, 2012
October 25, 2012
First snow in my hometown :)
I observed the first snow of the season yesterday while driving to Perm early morning. Today the first snow is in my hometown. Although the video does not show the real beauty and peace it is creating in the hood I'd like to share it with you hoping your morning is as good as mine ({})
October 22, 2012
October 15, 2012
Beautiful morning song · Красивая утренняя песня
This is exactly how the below shared song makes me feel =) It adds sunshine to this rainy weather!
Good morning to you and may you have a wonderful day and week! *hug
Именно так я себя чувствую, когда слушаю песню, которой хочу поделиться с вами сегодня =) Она разбавляет дождливую осень солнечным настроением!
Доброе вам утро, и пусть этот день и вся неделя будут для вас чудесными! *обнимаю
October 12, 2012
The power of simple things
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Thank you, Life Vest Inside! |
Breathe, Dream, Pray, Love · Дыши. Мечтай. Молись. Люби
"Breathe, Dream, Pray, Love" - most powerful song I have heard since quite some time and my today's morning motto =) My heart is full of joy and gratitude to God for His grace! I feel so blessed, so loved, so much happy... Like i have just touched a rainbow! I have no right to enjoy it without sharing...Who wants a hug? =) ... *HUG =))))
Is there anyone who'll - you know- be happy to such a beautiful beginning of his/her day or needs an act of kindness? Please share the song and your warm hug with such people and have a beautiful, kind...most superb day! Life is such "a short and crazy ride", let's not waste time!
October 9, 2012
Who wants a Madrasi curry treat? · Кто хочет угоститься Мадраси карри?
One of the greatest blessed gifts for any woman is ability to increase love in the world simply by cooking and feeding people. Girls I'll be happy to teach you one of the greatest recipes i have learnt while living in India - Madrasi curry. Let me know whether you are interested so when i am around we could meet, talk, laugh and cook together as well as create a good portion of good female energy for each other =)
Одним из самых больших подарков, которыми благославлена любая женщина, является способность увеличивать количество любви в мире, просто готовя еду и кормя ею людей. Девочки, я буду счастлива поделиться секретами приготовления одного из прекраснейших блюд, которыми я овладела, живя в Индии - Мадраси карри. Дайте мне знать, если вам интересно, и, когда я окажусь поблизости, мы сможем встретиться, поболтать, насмеяться и приготовить это блюдо вместе, как и сотворить хорошую порцию женской энергии друг для друга =)
Одним из самых больших подарков, которыми благославлена любая женщина, является способность увеличивать количество любви в мире, просто готовя еду и кормя ею людей. Девочки, я буду счастлива поделиться секретами приготовления одного из прекраснейших блюд, которыми я овладела, живя в Индии - Мадраси карри. Дайте мне знать, если вам интересно, и, когда я окажусь поблизости, мы сможем встретиться, поболтать, насмеяться и приготовить это блюдо вместе, как и сотворить хорошую порцию женской энергии друг для друга =)
A good morning dainty · Утреннее лакомство
My morning in order to be good has to be sweet =) I have recently discovered a beautiful way to treat myself for breakfast. Usual food - cottage cheese, dry fruits and nuts (particularly figs, hazelnuts and coconut flakes), condensed milk, honey, sweet spices (cinnamon and cardamom) - in a new shape. Nice'n'easy, baby =D
"Доброе утро - сладкое утро" -такой мой девиз. Недавно я открыла для себя красивый способ побаловать себя на завтрак. Обычная еда: творого, сухофрукты и орехи (а именно: инжир, лесной орех и кокосовая стружка), сгущённое молоко, мёд, сладкие специи (корица и кардамон), - в новой форме. Красиво и легко =D
"Доброе утро - сладкое утро" -такой мой девиз. Недавно я открыла для себя красивый способ побаловать себя на завтрак. Обычная еда: творого, сухофрукты и орехи (а именно: инжир, лесной орех и кокосовая стружка), сгущённое молоко, мёд, сладкие специи (корица и кардамон), - в новой форме. Красиво и легко =D
October 8, 2012
My cozy and feminine autumn look · Мой уютный и женственный осенний образ
My wardrobe preferences have been shifting to more feminine looks since a couple of years. My love for dresses and skirts developed significantly when i discovered a "treasury" of vintage pieces at my family nest. Here i am wearing beautifully tailored emerald-green dress that used to belong to my mom. Accompanied by a hand-made golden waist-band, a vintage lace collar necklace and a big ring it feels so cozy for these autumn days, so girly and so much "me" =)
October 6, 2012
Get used to being happy! · Привыкайте счастливыми быть!
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Source: Modern poetry/Современная поэзия |
Привыкайте счастливыми быть!
Просыпаться с улыбкой лучистой… И со взглядом по детскому чистым, Привыкайте друг друга любить… Научитесь плохое не звать, Предвещая заранее беды… Вы ведите другие беседы… Научитесь душой расцветать… Привыкайте добро замечать И ценить то, что жизнью даётся… И за счастьем бежать не придётся… Будет счастье за вами бежать! Научитесь подвоха не ждать От людей незнакомых и близких… Ведь у всех, у высоких, и низких Есть желание – счастье познать… Привыкайте не злиться на зло, А рискните помочь, разобраться… Если кто-то вдруг начал кусаться, Значит, в чём-то ему не везло… Научитесь прощенья просить И прощать… Вам судьба улыбнётся. И весна в вашу душу вернётся! Привыкайте счастливыми быть… Ирина Самарина |
Get used to being happy! To waking up with sunshine on your face… With a look that is childly pure,
Fall into a habit
of loving each other…
Learn to not look for bad, Bidding fair misfortune … Engage in different conversations… Teach yourself to make your soul bloom… Become used to acknowledging kindness And appreciate what is given in life… And you will not have to chase happiness… Happiness will run after you! Learn not to expect any catch From the people that are known or unknown… Indeed all beings, short or tall Desire to experience happiness… Form a habit of not fighting anger back with anger, Instead take a risk to help and figure out…
If somebody bites you,
He may have been out of luck… Learn to ask for forgiveness And forgive…You’ll get a smile from your fate. And the spring will return into your soul! Get used to being happy… Irina Samarina |
October 5, 2012
Lazy lunch · Ленивый обед
Few cubes of Maasdam semi-melted on a frying pan, french onion baguette warmed up using clarified butter, tomatoes with mixed herbs and garlic olive oil - you'd call it lazy lunch but i am truly enjoying it =) after all it's ok to skip cooking once in a while =D
Несколько кубиков Маасдама, подплавленных на сковороде, французский луковый багет, подогретый на топлёном масле, помидоры с травами и оливковым маслом, настоенном на чесноке - вы назвали бы это ленивым обедом, но я искренне наслаждаюсь =) в конце концов, иногда можно позволить себе перерыв в кулинарных "подвигах" =D
Несколько кубиков Маасдама, подплавленных на сковороде, французский луковый багет, подогретый на топлёном масле, помидоры с травами и оливковым маслом, настоенном на чесноке - вы назвали бы это ленивым обедом, но я искренне наслаждаюсь =) в конце концов, иногда можно позволить себе перерыв в кулинарных "подвигах" =D
October 4, 2012
Great cabbage-beetroot lunch idea · Отличная капустно-свекольная идея для обеда
You do not need a big lunch if you are a girl =)
Here is my any time favorite choice - home-baked cabbage pie. It comes out delicious thanks to ghee-based (clarified butter based) dough and if also staffed with a little bit of cheese. Today the pie is accompanied by the simplest organic beetroot salad (boiled beetroot, sour cream, baby garlic, no salt - all veggies are from our organic garden). Bon appetite!
Piece of summer on my plate · Кусочек лета на тарелке
The last melon of the season organically grown by my mom. Not too sweet but pure and healthy. Absolute joy!
Do you have an easy access to the food that is 100% trusted to be good to people and nature?
Последняя дыня сезона, выращенная моей мамой в условиях, свободных от химикатов. Несладкая, но чистая и здоровая. Истинная радость!
А у вас есть свободный доступ к еде, которую со 100%-ной уверенностью можно назвать благой в отношении людей и окружающей природы?
Do you have an easy access to the food that is 100% trusted to be good to people and nature?
Последняя дыня сезона, выращенная моей мамой в условиях, свободных от химикатов. Несладкая, но чистая и здоровая. Истинная радость!
А у вас есть свободный доступ к еде, которую со 100%-ной уверенностью можно назвать благой в отношении людей и окружающей природы?
October 1, 2012
How hard-core meat lover went veg · Как любительница мяса стала вегетарианкой
Сегодня, во Всемирный день вегетарианства, я поняла, что я тоже... Практически не помню вкус мяса, уже не скучаю по вкусу рыбы, не смотрю в сторону яиц.. и так без малого 4 месяца.
Что нужно для того, чтобы решиться на отказ от мяса/рыбы/яиц, если любишь всё это настолько, что можешь есть его на завтрак, обед и ужин? Сильнейший стресс, перевернувший мир с ног на голову, поиски жизненного баланса, изучение законов жизни - это много или мало? :) На самом деле, это лишь предыстория, а силой, которая привела к решению попробовать вегетарианство, оказалась сила звука - я просто послушала лекцию, решила попробовать и пробую до сих пор. Бывает, по ошибке или незнанию, не обладая чувством разности вкусов, я съедаю что-то, содержащее яйца. Переживаю из-за этого. Но радуюсь, что каким-то удивительным образом мне легко отказываться от некогда любимейших далеко не вегетарианских блюд: традиционного татарского балеша, глазированного кекса, тайского карри с курицей, солёной сёмги... Кухня для меня является площадкой для развития творческого мышления и безграничных экспериментов. Супермаркет - место "раскопок" новых ингридиентов и вкусов. Руководствуясь принципами аюрведы, осваивая новые блюда разнообразных кулинарных традиций, я нахожу способ для придания простым блюдам изюминки, а значит, растёт моё кулинарное мастерство :)Я чувствую, как пришла в равновесие и наслаждается моя пищеварительная система. Я ощущаю больше любви к миру, узнаю от других людей, что стала спокойнее. Возможно, это результат комплексных действий, предпринимаемых мной с целью разбудить в себе истинную женскую природу. Но, разве в то же самое время мы не то, что мы едим?
Great anti-cold diet · Отличная анти-простудная диета
Fresh cranberries, lemon, honey, semi-hot water are mixed together into a 3-liter magic drink. One who has cold and fever is supposed to finish it within a day and avoid meals.
This original method came to me when it was most needed (thank you Olya *hug). But being not able to miss lunch - my most important meal of the day - and being always keen for experiments i decided to modify it a little. It has been working great to me. Here are few points i modified and/or added:
- the drink is spiced up with cinnamon and ginger powder (a tea spoon of each); lemon is used with no skin
- all 3 liters are to be consumed between 11 am and 4 pm SST, do not let it get cold
- since the drink contains honey it is advisable to protect yourself from cold
- meals are prepared in accordance with Ayurvedic nutrition guidelines
- meal timings are: breakfast - 6 to 8 am SST, lunch - 10 to 12 am SST, no dinner or a very light one at 6 pm SST, warm milk with cardamom and honey after 7 pm SST preferably just before going to bed
I hope if you are sick this AW season these simple steps help you get well as soon as i am doing it!
This original method came to me when it was most needed (thank you Olya *hug). But being not able to miss lunch - my most important meal of the day - and being always keen for experiments i decided to modify it a little. It has been working great to me. Here are few points i modified and/or added:
- the drink is spiced up with cinnamon and ginger powder (a tea spoon of each); lemon is used with no skin
- all 3 liters are to be consumed between 11 am and 4 pm SST, do not let it get cold
- since the drink contains honey it is advisable to protect yourself from cold
- meals are prepared in accordance with Ayurvedic nutrition guidelines
- meal timings are: breakfast - 6 to 8 am SST, lunch - 10 to 12 am SST, no dinner or a very light one at 6 pm SST, warm milk with cardamom and honey after 7 pm SST preferably just before going to bed
I hope if you are sick this AW season these simple steps help you get well as soon as i am doing it!
From India's wild nature to Paris fashion runway · Из дикой природы Индии на модный подиум Парижа
How did you like the Manish Arora SS 2013 collection?
His ideas are so close to what i believe is beautiful and some are pure inspiration!
Great source for more pictures - #manish arora
In pursue of new meaning of sickness · В поисках нового смысла болезни
Many of you already know that i am down with cold and fever. Since I had to use dictionary to find the word "fever" I suppose the last time I dealt with it was long-loooong ago. So much long ago so I had to address my friends for an advice on how to get back to life quickly :) Thanks to the great support and tips I have had 3 liters of magic hot cranberry-lemon-honey drink, have wrapped myself in a nice warm duvet, have been sweating resting "the nasty thing" out and am able to sort the experience of last two month of silence in my head and get back to blogging :)
There are no movies, books, music, food or any other entertaining things. It is all about sincere and meaningful interaction with people dear to my heart, self-listening, self-reflection, raising questions and finding answers that give an absolutely different feeling to my experience of being ill which is indeed pleasant so is worth sharing :)
To begin with I'd like to ask - what does illness usually mean to us? An undesired constraint on the way of life? A signal to weak health? A proof to the fact that something is wrong with us or against natural order? Can illness be only a negative event stating mistakes of our life or something more than that or even something else? I'd like to share few daring thoughts on this question.
As mentioned earlier I usually do not get sick, at least fever is never in the list of symptoms. You'd describe me as a strong girl but frankly speaking there was too much of strength factor in my life. I started developing deep relationships with feminine side of me few months ago. I have been learning the science of strength in gentleness and love and the science of visible weakness. It may sound crazy but maybe my sickness is meant to be a tornado that aims to destroy whatever is left of male strength: when you fall sick you can't be strong even if you really want? Maybe it is also meant to bring the winds of selfless care and attention to let gardens of femininity inside me bloom as never before? I cannot say for sure but after all these years i eventually allow myself to not worry about but enjoy the experience of being sick and being taken care of... i have felt my heart melting and my mind relaxing lately. I hope it to be a sign of a awakening "Sleeping Beauty" in me ^^ :D
To me the sickness has also become the opportunity to learn more about myself and my scopes for improvement. Ayurveda that has been overwhelming me since some time states that each organ can be connected to a scope of personality features and that by fixing the latter part of this connection we can influence our health state. Following this amazing method I have discovered few attributes of my character that my body identified as "in need of attention". These attributes are: humility, activeness, concentration of attention and self-awareness. I bet decision to create this post was meant to be right: I am working on improvement of all of them right here, right now :D
Can you recollect at least one event in your life when a perfect plan was interrupted by an unforeseen circumstance? It may not have been a pleasant experience. But would you rather agree that it was needed and thus it was right? It's too early to make any conclusions but maybe my sudden sickness is a signal that it is not the right time/way for something to happen and that my imperfect plan needs corrections?
The last but not least point to mention is that being sick is what actually makes me get back to my regime of the day. I had to hold it on due to religious fast and traveling. I have dreamed of making it basis of my day-to-day life butas it usually happens waited for the right day :) Starting following it again now when I am sick feels so natural to my organism. It does not protest against but welcomes this healthy habit ;)
I suppose, no more words but one - thank you! ^^
There are no movies, books, music, food or any other entertaining things. It is all about sincere and meaningful interaction with people dear to my heart, self-listening, self-reflection, raising questions and finding answers that give an absolutely different feeling to my experience of being ill which is indeed pleasant so is worth sharing :)
To begin with I'd like to ask - what does illness usually mean to us? An undesired constraint on the way of life? A signal to weak health? A proof to the fact that something is wrong with us or against natural order? Can illness be only a negative event stating mistakes of our life or something more than that or even something else? I'd like to share few daring thoughts on this question.
As mentioned earlier I usually do not get sick, at least fever is never in the list of symptoms. You'd describe me as a strong girl but frankly speaking there was too much of strength factor in my life. I started developing deep relationships with feminine side of me few months ago. I have been learning the science of strength in gentleness and love and the science of visible weakness. It may sound crazy but maybe my sickness is meant to be a tornado that aims to destroy whatever is left of male strength: when you fall sick you can't be strong even if you really want? Maybe it is also meant to bring the winds of selfless care and attention to let gardens of femininity inside me bloom as never before? I cannot say for sure but after all these years i eventually allow myself to not worry about but enjoy the experience of being sick and being taken care of... i have felt my heart melting and my mind relaxing lately. I hope it to be a sign of a awakening "Sleeping Beauty" in me ^^ :D
To me the sickness has also become the opportunity to learn more about myself and my scopes for improvement. Ayurveda that has been overwhelming me since some time states that each organ can be connected to a scope of personality features and that by fixing the latter part of this connection we can influence our health state. Following this amazing method I have discovered few attributes of my character that my body identified as "in need of attention". These attributes are: humility, activeness, concentration of attention and self-awareness. I bet decision to create this post was meant to be right: I am working on improvement of all of them right here, right now :D
Can you recollect at least one event in your life when a perfect plan was interrupted by an unforeseen circumstance? It may not have been a pleasant experience. But would you rather agree that it was needed and thus it was right? It's too early to make any conclusions but maybe my sudden sickness is a signal that it is not the right time/way for something to happen and that my imperfect plan needs corrections?
The last but not least point to mention is that being sick is what actually makes me get back to my regime of the day. I had to hold it on due to religious fast and traveling. I have dreamed of making it basis of my day-to-day life but
I suppose, no more words but one - thank you! ^^
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