June 27, 2012
June 26, 2012
I am Early Bird. Day 1 · Я - Ранняя Пташка. День 1-ый
So the beginning of my 28-day experiment was marked yesterday =) Frankly speaking while getting ready to it i have been trying to wake up and go to sleep as Ayurveda advises for approximately 2 weeks. Not every singly day but it is serious now =)
I have to say it is easier to wake up by 6 am than let's say 9 or even 11 am. Believe i know what i am talking about ;) It is even much easier to wake up at 5 am BUT provided you get not less than 7 hours of sleep (8 hours in my case as i am a learner =) every day.
I loved it and here are few reasons why:
PS: my Monday lunch - Brussels Sprout Souse to my cute "bow" Pasta - true veg paradise dish for cheese lovers!
I have to say it is easier to wake up by 6 am than let's say 9 or even 11 am. Believe i know what i am talking about ;) It is even much easier to wake up at 5 am BUT provided you get not less than 7 hours of sleep (8 hours in my case as i am a learner =) every day.
I loved it and here are few reasons why:
- nothing can be compared to the understanding of the fact that you get awakened along with nature. Especially this time of the year makes it unbelievably beautiful process!
- Birds get truly excited and create happy tunes right till 6 am SST. And believe you won't hear such sweet melodies after 6!
- i love the feeling of personal space you get when the rest of the family is still asleep. I do love their company but to me it is time when i gain most of my female energy and thus feel myself so peaceful and feminine =) Right, it all happens as the Moon is still active at this time!
- i discovered happiness of beginning my day with a prayer and my intimate conversation with God. I finally allocated time to learning my daily prayers - something which used to plan since a long time but never truly fulfilled. Indeed, i agree with doctor Torsunov on his opinion that when you share your love with God you are being blessed back so much more.
- waking up so early gives me some strange inner motivation. I mean even if i feel reluctant to doing something i planned and look for excuses immediately something "kicks" me from within and i automatically go and do what is required.
- i get to eat lots of sweet things: dates, bananas, raisins and a cup of cool milk shaken with honey, cinnamon and cardamom - i have truly sweet start of the day =D
PS: my Monday lunch - Brussels Sprout Souse to my cute "bow" Pasta - true veg paradise dish for cheese lovers!
June 24, 2012
The Early Bird experiment. Regime of nutrition · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Режим питания
According to Ayurveda in order to sustain physical energy a human needs not more than 2 hands of food daily (including the daily dose of water). What really requires nutrition is our mind. Due to the fact that our mind has many different attributes, our nutrition should contain dishes with "picturesque" flavors and various ingredients. Preference of particular articles of food can tell a lot about one's personality. Moreover, having any given food forms/reinforces specific personal traits. By learning how to choose and combine different ingredients in a correct manner and having meals in compliance with the Sun and Moon cycles one is able not only to nourish one's mind with energy of optimism but also change his/her personality to the good. I shall write on how to influence on character with the help of food next time. Right now I would like to share some knowledge on how to organize your regime of nutrition in order to have an energetic and cheerful day.
The best time for breakfast is from 6 to 7 am as per the Sun time. Raising above the horizon the Sun puts the energy of life in motion. Along with this the wind arises. In such a manner the energy of the air starts moving in our bellies. Intestine is organ of active nature that is why this energy circulates there faster than anywhere else in the body. At this time intestine "awakens". The healthiest and most "serene" articles of food which undoubtedly sustain energy of happiness and do not harm human's health, are:
So grains and beans are equal to the best lunch. They are recommended to be cooked with rendered butter which gives the dish the power of heat which helps digestion. Vegetable oil could also be used but it should be added to the dish only after it's cooked. It is prohibited from being used for frying.
One can eat vegetables from 6 до 9 pm. Being influenced by the Moon, they are well absorbed and do not cause discomfort in the night. The most recommended vegetables are those that grow above the ground (except tomatoes). Underground vegetables such as potatoes, beetroots, carrots etc. are not advisable for evening meals.
Starting from 9 pm one is recommended to have nothing but milk. Yes, despite all warnings of modern doctors of medicine, the cow milk is known to be one of the most "serene" article of food for a human if one knows when it should be consumed. The best time commences at 7 pm and lasts for 12 hours. Being a "moon" product milk is digested as well as it is beneficial (specifically to women and children) only if consumed in the night. One should have hot (almost boiling) milk before 3 am and cold one after 3 and till 7 am (in winter - only hot milk).
Important note: it is crucial to set your heart to all the daily meals by saying a prayer, dedicating your food to God, wishing happiness to all people.
Important note 2: since we are talking about food that is meant to give us pure energy of happiness and purify our sense, intellect and organism meat, poultry, fish and seafood must be excluded from the daily routine (see why)
Food for Thought - a table that shows few articles of food and best time to have them for the healthiest nourishment of sense, intellect and body
The best time for breakfast is from 6 to 7 am as per the Sun time. Raising above the horizon the Sun puts the energy of life in motion. Along with this the wind arises. In such a manner the energy of the air starts moving in our bellies. Intestine is organ of active nature that is why this energy circulates there faster than anywhere else in the body. At this time intestine "awakens". The healthiest and most "serene" articles of food which undoubtedly sustain energy of happiness and do not harm human's health, are:
- all fruits, especially dates, bananas, figs, mango and berries (dry fruits are recommended in winter and fresh ones are good in summer only if one does not have indigestion problems)
- sweetened "serene" curdled milk
- sugar, honey (even diabetic patients will not have troubles from sugar provided they have it from 6 to 8 am but receive energy of happiness; it will be completely absorbed by cells thanks to the influence of the Moon)
- sweet spices: cinnamon, cardamom, barberry, fennel, thyme, star anise
- nuts, sour cream, buckwheat (only if one is promised a physically active start of his/her day)
So grains and beans are equal to the best lunch. They are recommended to be cooked with rendered butter which gives the dish the power of heat which helps digestion. Vegetable oil could also be used but it should be added to the dish only after it's cooked. It is prohibited from being used for frying.
One can eat vegetables from 6 до 9 pm. Being influenced by the Moon, they are well absorbed and do not cause discomfort in the night. The most recommended vegetables are those that grow above the ground (except tomatoes). Underground vegetables such as potatoes, beetroots, carrots etc. are not advisable for evening meals.
Starting from 9 pm one is recommended to have nothing but milk. Yes, despite all warnings of modern doctors of medicine, the cow milk is known to be one of the most "serene" article of food for a human if one knows when it should be consumed. The best time commences at 7 pm and lasts for 12 hours. Being a "moon" product milk is digested as well as it is beneficial (specifically to women and children) only if consumed in the night. One should have hot (almost boiling) milk before 3 am and cold one after 3 and till 7 am (in winter - only hot milk).
Important note: it is crucial to set your heart to all the daily meals by saying a prayer, dedicating your food to God, wishing happiness to all people.
Important note 2: since we are talking about food that is meant to give us pure energy of happiness and purify our sense, intellect and organism meat, poultry, fish and seafood must be excluded from the daily routine (see why)
Food for Thought - a table that shows few articles of food and best time to have them for the healthiest nourishment of sense, intellect and body
June 22, 2012
Promice of a sunny day • Обещание солнечного дня
At last, after so many days of rain :)
Good morning!
Наконец, после стольких дождливых дней :)
Доброе утро!
Good morning!
Наконец, после стольких дождливых дней :)
Доброе утро!
June 21, 2012
25 responsibilities for a happy family life · 25 обязанностей для счастливой семейной жизни
1. To get married and create a family
2. To preserve the family
3. To "make" her man a man
4. To organize all domestic cares
5. To exercise domestic cares
6. To be loyal to her husband with her body, in her deeds and thoughts
7. To become her man's best friend
8. To be beautiful and attractive to her man
9. To inspire her man
10. To eat sweet meats
11. To wear jewelry
12. To enjoy beautiful clothing
13. To wear long skirts
14. To always experience closeness to her man - to not estrange from him
15. To respect her man
16. To appreciate and give praise to her man
17. To admire her man
18. To obey her man
19. To manage her emotions
20. To be moderate and patient
21. To speak serenely and gently
22. To be sensitive and tender
23. Take part in child-rearing
24. To do good to her husband - do it with love
25. To not fulfill her husband's role.
1. To take leadership in man-woman relationships
2. To being responsible for external policy - having friends, relationships with other people
3. To expanding space - house, flat
4. To earning family income
5. To identifying his personal nature: "intellectual"/"manager"/"trader"/"crafter"
6. To finding a job/business in accordance with his personal nature
7. To giving inspiration/permission to his wife
8. To respecting his wife
9. To feeling reverence for his wife, protecting her
10. To not criticizing his wife, accepting her the way she is
11. To not talking over his wife
12. To being responsible for moral education of his family
13. To being responsible for physical development of his family
14. To being responsible for spiritual/religious education of his family
15. To being the leader in child-rearing
16. To identifying principles of mutual life - understanding of purpose of life
17. To differentiating spheres of mutual life - man must know which are his duties and which ones belong to his wife
18. To being serious human being
19. To being person respected by the society
20. To understanding woman's changeable nature
21. To providing his woman with sweet meets, jewelry and beautiful garments
22. To being loving to his wife so she could feel it
23. To eat cereals
24. To feeling reverence for his wife's parents and respecting them more than his own parents
25. Husband's parents have to respect their daughter-in-law more their own son
1. To get married and create a family
2. To preserve the family
3. To "make" her man a man
4. To organize all domestic cares
5. To exercise domestic cares
6. To be loyal to her husband with her body, in her deeds and thoughts
7. To become her man's best friend
8. To be beautiful and attractive to her man
9. To inspire her man
10. To eat sweet meats
11. To wear jewelry
12. To enjoy beautiful clothing
13. To wear long skirts
14. To always experience closeness to her man - to not estrange from him
15. To respect her man
16. To appreciate and give praise to her man
17. To admire her man
18. To obey her man
19. To manage her emotions
20. To be moderate and patient
21. To speak serenely and gently
22. To be sensitive and tender
23. Take part in child-rearing
24. To do good to her husband - do it with love
25. To not fulfill her husband's role.
1. To take leadership in man-woman relationships
2. To being responsible for external policy - having friends, relationships with other people
3. To expanding space - house, flat
4. To earning family income
5. To identifying his personal nature: "intellectual"/"manager"/"trader"/"crafter"
6. To finding a job/business in accordance with his personal nature
7. To giving inspiration/permission to his wife
8. To respecting his wife
9. To feeling reverence for his wife, protecting her
10. To not criticizing his wife, accepting her the way she is
11. To not talking over his wife
12. To being responsible for moral education of his family
13. To being responsible for physical development of his family
14. To being responsible for spiritual/religious education of his family
15. To being the leader in child-rearing
16. To identifying principles of mutual life - understanding of purpose of life
17. To differentiating spheres of mutual life - man must know which are his duties and which ones belong to his wife
18. To being serious human being
19. To being person respected by the society
20. To understanding woman's changeable nature
21. To providing his woman with sweet meets, jewelry and beautiful garments
22. To being loving to his wife so she could feel it
23. To eat cereals
24. To feeling reverence for his wife's parents and respecting them more than his own parents
25. Husband's parents have to respect their daughter-in-law more their own son
June 19, 2012
The "Early Bird" experiment. Sun Standard Time · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Солнечное стандартное время
I bet most of you got mixed feelings after reading my posts about regime of rest and regime of awakening. It is indeed the fact - our daily routine is too far from following what our ancestors practiced. Frankly speaking my first reaction to it was excitement but lack of belief i could do it. But here is the "icing on the cake" for some of us which may improve your motivation: time of going to sleep as well as time of waking up i mentioned previously are different from the standard time most of us live in.
As we remember Sun influences people the most. In relation to the Earth, the Sun has got it's own time "routine". I did not find such thing as "the Sun Standard Time" (SST) but allow me to use it in order to keep the difference. The latter happens due to various reasons both objective and subjective which i will not discuss here. What i'd like to do is to share how we can identify SST in our hometowns.
Step 1: identify the sunset and sunrise time in your hometown, for example here (works well for both Russian and English languages speakers)
Step 2: insert the data into SST calculator and press "Calculate".
In such a manner we find out that, for example, being in Moscow this summer allows one to wake up not later that 7.30 am and go to sleep before 10.30 pm and feel happier day by day =) Due to the fact that Bombay is located close to the equator its standard time is almost equal to the Sun time throughout the year, it is just 40 min ahead of it. As for myself, being in my hometown at the moment i can wake up and go to sleep almost 2,5 hours after the Sun time. At least it is a good start as i intend to learn waking up before 6 am irrespective the time difference.
As we remember Sun influences people the most. In relation to the Earth, the Sun has got it's own time "routine". I did not find such thing as "the Sun Standard Time" (SST) but allow me to use it in order to keep the difference. The latter happens due to various reasons both objective and subjective which i will not discuss here. What i'd like to do is to share how we can identify SST in our hometowns.
Step 1: identify the sunset and sunrise time in your hometown, for example here (works well for both Russian and English languages speakers)
Step 2: insert the data into SST calculator and press "Calculate".
In such a manner we find out that, for example, being in Moscow this summer allows one to wake up not later that 7.30 am and go to sleep before 10.30 pm and feel happier day by day =) Due to the fact that Bombay is located close to the equator its standard time is almost equal to the Sun time throughout the year, it is just 40 min ahead of it. As for myself, being in my hometown at the moment i can wake up and go to sleep almost 2,5 hours after the Sun time. At least it is a good start as i intend to learn waking up before 6 am irrespective the time difference.
The "Early Bird" experiment. The best time to awaken · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Самое лучшее время для пробуждения
Yesterday we figured out how organization of your rest time in accordance with universal cycles and powers can help your pursue your happiness and quality of life in general on a daily basis. What also life tonus of our mentality, intellect and organism is directly connected to is the time of our awakening.
Those who are able to wake up between 2 and 3 am with no consequences for their mental health can show significant progress on their way of self-discovery. During this period of time the Sun activity is yet not strong whereas the Moon influences our intellect quite significantly. As a result our intellect naturally comes to the state of peace and and rest. It is quite holesome to pray and think about God during these early hours. But waking up so early makes a human extra-sensitive thus it is not advisable to such person to spend lot of time in crowded places.
Awakening from 3 to 4 am gives one enough potential to develop knowledge of their spiritual nature. At the same time the level of psychic sensitiveness of a person does not become too high so he/she is not required to follow estranged way of life. Although this period of time is recommended for spiritual practice only. By saying a prayer every morning between 3 and 4 am one will gradually discover rooted secrets of his/her soul. But there is one condition - such people have to try spending more time communicating with spiritually pure people.
If one wakes up between 4 and 5 am he/she succeeds to turn his personality from being pessimistic to a complete optimist. This is exact time when the Earth is in the state of optimism. Song birds feeling this begin to sing. At this time other activities rather than spiritual are not advisable. It is the best time to read relevant books, pray and wish happiness to all people.
Those who have the ability to wake up between 5 and 6 am every day show vivacity and potential to fight any illness. During this period of time one can practice spiritual knowledge. The best activity at this time is to memorize prayers or any other needful information. The later will be quickly borne in mind thanks to extra-sensitiveness of the intellect as well as to low activity of both the Sun and the Moon.
When the Sun "reaches" equator all functions of our organism yield to the opposite ones. At the moment of this pass through the deepness of our sleep suddenly changes due to the Sun forcing us wake up and giving life energy to our bodies. The longer we stay in bed and the higher the Sun rises above the horizon the less chances we get to be happy this day.
Those who get up between 6 and 7 am do it after the Sun and in return their life tonus occurs to be rather lower that they'd want. Their business goes not bad but they often make a muff of it, their health is more or less good but it leaves much to be desired in critical life circumstances. Such people will not have sufficient margin of physical as well as psychic safety.
In such a way in order to adopt positive disposition of the Earth and become an optimist for a whole day, one must wake up earlier than our planet, in other words before 6 o'clock in the morning.
By waking up between 7 and 8 am a person misses out his time and he is guaranteed to have much weaker physical and psychic tonus than he is assumed to. He/she fails to fight some health troubles.
People who tend to wake up between 8 and 9 am cannot win over negative attributes of their character and usually have vicious habits. Getting up at this time of the day promises big life difficulties, inveterate and obstinate health disorders, disappointments and misfortunes. Such people will find it difficult to form an estimate of a situation and take necessary decision. They will fail to make a right choice in their life and will be tied to the chariot of occasions with no energy to change their life.
The later the awakening the worse is result: depression, apathy, reluctance to live, disappointment about destiny, fears, suspicion, anger, progressing sthenic illness, early disability, premature aging.
Again if one sincerely wants to change regime of the day he finds such opportunity. Given genuine desire he/she gets understanding of how to act in any, even most difficult situation, as well as he/she gets desire to act. In such a case the person who wants to change has to learn to love his/her relatives and perform his/her duties. This all must be done irrespective of disadvantages of family members due to one reason - everybody surrounding us are sent to be our punishment for past sins (and thus for me personally they are our blessing extended to us to make us self-improve). By taking decision to become the first who acts in the wright manner and tolerates injustice coming from his/her relatives this person becomes more sensible than his/her relatives and thus becomes able to change both his/her and their destiny for good.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Sun Standard Time"
Those who are able to wake up between 2 and 3 am with no consequences for their mental health can show significant progress on their way of self-discovery. During this period of time the Sun activity is yet not strong whereas the Moon influences our intellect quite significantly. As a result our intellect naturally comes to the state of peace and and rest. It is quite holesome to pray and think about God during these early hours. But waking up so early makes a human extra-sensitive thus it is not advisable to such person to spend lot of time in crowded places.
Awakening from 3 to 4 am gives one enough potential to develop knowledge of their spiritual nature. At the same time the level of psychic sensitiveness of a person does not become too high so he/she is not required to follow estranged way of life. Although this period of time is recommended for spiritual practice only. By saying a prayer every morning between 3 and 4 am one will gradually discover rooted secrets of his/her soul. But there is one condition - such people have to try spending more time communicating with spiritually pure people.
If one wakes up between 4 and 5 am he/she succeeds to turn his personality from being pessimistic to a complete optimist. This is exact time when the Earth is in the state of optimism. Song birds feeling this begin to sing. At this time other activities rather than spiritual are not advisable. It is the best time to read relevant books, pray and wish happiness to all people.
Those who have the ability to wake up between 5 and 6 am every day show vivacity and potential to fight any illness. During this period of time one can practice spiritual knowledge. The best activity at this time is to memorize prayers or any other needful information. The later will be quickly borne in mind thanks to extra-sensitiveness of the intellect as well as to low activity of both the Sun and the Moon.
When the Sun "reaches" equator all functions of our organism yield to the opposite ones. At the moment of this pass through the deepness of our sleep suddenly changes due to the Sun forcing us wake up and giving life energy to our bodies. The longer we stay in bed and the higher the Sun rises above the horizon the less chances we get to be happy this day.
Those who get up between 6 and 7 am do it after the Sun and in return their life tonus occurs to be rather lower that they'd want. Their business goes not bad but they often make a muff of it, their health is more or less good but it leaves much to be desired in critical life circumstances. Such people will not have sufficient margin of physical as well as psychic safety.
In such a way in order to adopt positive disposition of the Earth and become an optimist for a whole day, one must wake up earlier than our planet, in other words before 6 o'clock in the morning.
By waking up between 7 and 8 am a person misses out his time and he is guaranteed to have much weaker physical and psychic tonus than he is assumed to. He/she fails to fight some health troubles.
People who tend to wake up between 8 and 9 am cannot win over negative attributes of their character and usually have vicious habits. Getting up at this time of the day promises big life difficulties, inveterate and obstinate health disorders, disappointments and misfortunes. Such people will find it difficult to form an estimate of a situation and take necessary decision. They will fail to make a right choice in their life and will be tied to the chariot of occasions with no energy to change their life.
The later the awakening the worse is result: depression, apathy, reluctance to live, disappointment about destiny, fears, suspicion, anger, progressing sthenic illness, early disability, premature aging.
Again if one sincerely wants to change regime of the day he finds such opportunity. Given genuine desire he/she gets understanding of how to act in any, even most difficult situation, as well as he/she gets desire to act. In such a case the person who wants to change has to learn to love his/her relatives and perform his/her duties. This all must be done irrespective of disadvantages of family members due to one reason - everybody surrounding us are sent to be our punishment for past sins (and thus for me personally they are our blessing extended to us to make us self-improve). By taking decision to become the first who acts in the wright manner and tolerates injustice coming from his/her relatives this person becomes more sensible than his/her relatives and thus becomes able to change both his/her and their destiny for good.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Sun Standard Time"
June 18, 2012
The "Early Bird" experiment. Regime of rest · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Режим отдыха
In my previous post I mentioned the fact of interconnection between quality of life of a human and universal cycles and powers. Out of all such powers the Sun has got the strongest influence on us. Certain processes flow in one's organism every second and his/her behavior depends on which phase the Sun is in. Thus human's regime of the day is strongly regulated.
The Sun is its lowest position at 12 o'clock in the night. One must be in a state of maximum rest at this time. Following this approach that our ancestors used to practice people of age between 18 and 45 should sleep 6 hours a day averagely. The best time for sleep is the period of 3 hours before 12 pm and 3 hours after that. One must sleep between 10 pm and 2 am at any circumstances.
Mentality and intellect effectively rest from 9 to 11 pm. If one neglects this information mental and intellectual power of organism will gradually decrease. First attributes of retrogression of sense is drop of concentration of attention, mind tension, strengthening of vicious habits, fall in willpower and rise in animal wants of sex, food, sleep and conflicts. Step by step failure to observe the rules of sleep results in accumulation of depression and person finds it difficult to understand what's good and bad, how to handle different situations, whom to marry, how to raise children, what work to choose, how to pull through bad habits. Along with decrease in intellectual power one starts feeling unrest, his memory worsens. He/she is tensed, inclined towards conflicts, rage, abuse and cry.
If person does not sleep from 11 pm to 1 am his life power, nervous and muscle systems get negatively affected. Weakness, pessimism, dullness, drop of appetite, heaviness, physical and psychic fatigue come to him/her immediately.
If one does not rest between 1 and 3 am his/her emotional power suffers affliction which results in excessive irritancy, aggressiveness and antagonism, spell of hysteria. Also this type of sleep disruption becomes base for maniac-depressive psychosis during which person is highly excited at first but falls into deep depression later. His/her acoustic impression subsides provided that his/her sense of hearing remains unchanged but he/she ceases using all opportunities of his/her hearing sensors. Progressively sharpness of the senses themselves through which people perceive the world decreases.
So time rewards all those who follow regime of the day with health and happiness. The rest become "hostages" of time and life puts them in such circumstances that they cannot rest in time. But it occurs that one's desire is a great power. If onу sincerely wants to change regime of the day he finds such opportunity. Given genuine desire he/she gets understanding of how to act in any, even most difficult situation, as well as he/she gets desire to act. In such a case the person who wants to change has to learn to love his/her relatives and perform his/her duties. This all must be done irrespective of disadvantages of family members due to one reason - everybody surrounding us are sent to be our punishment for past sins (and thus for me personally they are our blessing extended to us to make us self-improve). By taking decision to become the first who acts in the wright manner and tolerates injustice coming from his/her relatives this person becomes more sensible than his/her relatives and thus becomes able to change both his/her and their destiny for good.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Sun Standard Time"
The Sun is its lowest position at 12 o'clock in the night. One must be in a state of maximum rest at this time. Following this approach that our ancestors used to practice people of age between 18 and 45 should sleep 6 hours a day averagely. The best time for sleep is the period of 3 hours before 12 pm and 3 hours after that. One must sleep between 10 pm and 2 am at any circumstances.
Mentality and intellect effectively rest from 9 to 11 pm. If one neglects this information mental and intellectual power of organism will gradually decrease. First attributes of retrogression of sense is drop of concentration of attention, mind tension, strengthening of vicious habits, fall in willpower and rise in animal wants of sex, food, sleep and conflicts. Step by step failure to observe the rules of sleep results in accumulation of depression and person finds it difficult to understand what's good and bad, how to handle different situations, whom to marry, how to raise children, what work to choose, how to pull through bad habits. Along with decrease in intellectual power one starts feeling unrest, his memory worsens. He/she is tensed, inclined towards conflicts, rage, abuse and cry.
If person does not sleep from 11 pm to 1 am his life power, nervous and muscle systems get negatively affected. Weakness, pessimism, dullness, drop of appetite, heaviness, physical and psychic fatigue come to him/her immediately.
If one does not rest between 1 and 3 am his/her emotional power suffers affliction which results in excessive irritancy, aggressiveness and antagonism, spell of hysteria. Also this type of sleep disruption becomes base for maniac-depressive psychosis during which person is highly excited at first but falls into deep depression later. His/her acoustic impression subsides provided that his/her sense of hearing remains unchanged but he/she ceases using all opportunities of his/her hearing sensors. Progressively sharpness of the senses themselves through which people perceive the world decreases.
So time rewards all those who follow regime of the day with health and happiness. The rest become "hostages" of time and life puts them in such circumstances that they cannot rest in time. But it occurs that one's desire is a great power. If onу sincerely wants to change regime of the day he finds such opportunity. Given genuine desire he/she gets understanding of how to act in any, even most difficult situation, as well as he/she gets desire to act. In such a case the person who wants to change has to learn to love his/her relatives and perform his/her duties. This all must be done irrespective of disadvantages of family members due to one reason - everybody surrounding us are sent to be our punishment for past sins (and thus for me personally they are our blessing extended to us to make us self-improve). By taking decision to become the first who acts in the wright manner and tolerates injustice coming from his/her relatives this person becomes more sensible than his/her relatives and thus becomes able to change both his/her and their destiny for good.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Sun Standard Time"
June 16, 2012
Purpose of creating a family · Смысл создания семьи
"Family life aims not at resolving personal conflicts and problems but by having stable and strong harmony within the family to benefit your own children and society...indeed those who help other people automatically resolve problems of their own relationships. It is not possible for those who focus on resolving their own problems in the first place. One must know that if he creates family in a wrong way he/she will spend all his energy on solving family problems. In this case he/she will be absolutely useless for society...
...Incorrect understanding of purpose of creating family will influence further destiny of a person...Life in a family where relatives do not have and share sublime aspiration can be compared to surgical intervention... There will surely be pain and offenses. Moreover their whole life together will not be enough for such family to understand that all difficulties they faced were their lessons. It is only then you are good in studies when you do not cut your own intestine in order to practice methods of help. In the same way it is better to learn helping others when your family is in peace and you have energy and time to help."
(c) 2000-2004, Doctor O.G. Torsunov, www.torsunov.ru
...Incorrect understanding of purpose of creating family will influence further destiny of a person...Life in a family where relatives do not have and share sublime aspiration can be compared to surgical intervention... There will surely be pain and offenses. Moreover their whole life together will not be enough for such family to understand that all difficulties they faced were their lessons. It is only then you are good in studies when you do not cut your own intestine in order to practice methods of help. In the same way it is better to learn helping others when your family is in peace and you have energy and time to help."
(c) 2000-2004, Doctor O.G. Torsunov, www.torsunov.ru
June 15, 2012
What every girl must remember · Что должно помнить каждой девушке
"Indeed, our loved ones' main need is love. Only the one who is full of love is able to share it. That is why when you take care of yourself you help people who are closest to you...just by taking care of yourself, your energy and happiness".
"На самом деле самая главная потребность наших близких – это любовь. И любовью может делиться только тот, кто ею полон. Поэтому в то время, когда ты заботишься о себе, — ты помогаешь своим близким... Просто тем, что заботишься о себе, своей энергии, своем счастье".
"На самом деле самая главная потребность наших близких – это любовь. И любовью может делиться только тот, кто ею полон. Поэтому в то время, когда ты заботишься о себе, — ты помогаешь своим близким... Просто тем, что заботишься о себе, своей энергии, своем счастье".
June 12, 2012
The "Early Bird" experiment. Time, place, circumstances · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Время, место, обстоятельства
Ancient wisdom says "Time. Place. Circumstances" and connects it to a person's quality of life:
Time is God's aspect, "engine" that moves life, it "punishes" or "blesses" people. If one follows regime of the day happiness comes to one, if not - he faces depression. It happens due to the fact that we as part of this world get influenced by universal cycles and powers. So in order to be happy one must know these cycles and do everything in time: wake up, have breakfast,..organize different types of activities and even life events and milestones. Undoubtedly resolving sensitive matters at work and of course discussing difficult topics with your life partner has it's own good time =)
Place is our body. Doing what is good to human's body can help clear one's sense and vice verse. According to this approach consumption of meat by a human especially in excessive quantities leads to his depression and retrogression (modern medicine by advising meat as the best source of energy considers its chemical qualities but never studies its influence on the human body at psychological level). But if meat is excluded from the daily food routine, mind becomes clear and (thus) life easier.
Circumstances are more obvious component of the "harmonic chain" and thus easier to understand and connect our life to. But alone they just create illusion of qualitative life, lead to no or negative effect. Example: application of night cream and going to sleep after 10 pm does not contribute anti-age and pro-beauty fight, on the contrary it increases toxins and fatigue.
So one should know and combine all three parts in order to create basis for a long, wise, happy life.
In my next few posts I am going to share few ideas and practical recommendations on regime of the day that were practiced by our ancestors in order to reinforce the concept connection between time, place and circumstances in relation to a human. Then i shall start my own experiment to see how application of these ideas and recommendations benefit me. You are absolutely welcome to join me!
June 11, 2012
"I know the Sun's set to rise" · "Я знаю, что солнце взойдет"
Группа Coldplay устроила настоящее зрелище на своём концерте в Лондоне 1 июня, 2012 года - все 50000 зрителей получили браслеты, мигающие в такт музыке. Смотрите "Рай" и превратите свой день в полный чудес, насколько это только возможно!
June 9, 2012
Girls like football too =D · Девушки тоже любят футбол =D
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Source: UEFA EURO |
Российская футбольная команда, почувствуйте любовь мира и своей страны! Красивая игра, хорошая оценка вчерашнего матча и сообщение "Вы размазали чехов так, как я от вас и ожидал!", полученное в качестве пожелания доброго утра от моего самого любимого футбольного эксперта.. для меня это доказательство вернувшейся уверенности в футболе под маркой "сделанно в России"!
Great morning! Отличное утро!
5.45 утра. Открыла для себя красоту, которую прежде не замечала! Позже напишу о радости, полученной от эксперимента "ранняя пташка". А сейчас делюсь кусочком своего прекрасного утра! Хочется обнять весь мир ^^
June 8, 2012
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