Маленькие радости, которые дарят девичьему сердцу счастье - прически, аксессуары и фотосъемки ^_^
May 10, 2013
Dreamy I · Мечтательная я
Little things that make the girl's heart happy - hairdos, accessories and photoshoots ^_^
May 8, 2013
Experimenting with my spring vintage look · Экспериментирую на тему моего весеннего винтажного образа
I have recently discovered myself adoring these hijabs:
Недавно поймала себя на том, как с восхищением рассматривала эти хиджабы:
I do not wear one in my day-to-day life but I have to say i do feel inner craving to looks that are both more discreet as well as charming and elegant. I have been in love with idea of combining a light coat and a kerchief since a year or so but you could see me wearing those only once or twice due to rapid shift in seasons and due to my traveling: I have experienced just a few days that were both not too cold and not too warm. This April-May the weather has been welcoming my favorite style. So being inspired by beautiful hijab ideas I selected few pieces of clothes for the following look:
Хиджаб не является моей ежедневной одеждой но, должна сказать, что испытываю все большее влечение к образам, которые одновременно целомудренны и очаровательны, элегантны. Я влюбилась в идею комбинировать легкое пальто и платок на голову около года назад, но эти элементы одежды можно было увидеть на мне лишь раз или два по причине быстрой смены сезонов и моих поездок: я застала всего лишь несколько дней, не столь холодных и не столь теплых. В этом году апрель и май своей погодой приветствуют мой любимый стиль. Будучи вдохновленной прекрасными хиджабами я выбрала несколько предметов одежды для следующего образа:
Please welcome Fayruza the 'Babushka' :) Пожалуйста, поприветствуйте Файрузу-матрешку :)
Kerchief - handmade, by me. Платок - ручной работы, сделан мной.
Clutch by Accessorize. Клатч Accessorize.
Sunglasses by Asos. Солнцезащитные очки Asos.
Ring, a gift from Tibet by gorgeous friend and designer Sabah Shirazi. Кольцо, подарок родом из Тибета от моей прекрасной подруги и дизайнера Сабы Ширази.
Heal boots by Zara. Сапоги на каблуках Zara.
April 24, 2013
How one's greatest purpose places everything else in context · Как самая возвышенная цель расставаясь все остальное по местам
The greatest purpose of people must be development of love to God. Thus aiming at increasing love to God one automatically gets quick opportunity to increase love to his/her close people.
How woman can find herself in the state of serene happiness again · Как женщинам вернуться к состоянию безмятежного счастья
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Source: http://www.statusnoc.ru/ |
"I am Soul" - this is innermost knowledge that has been allowing a woman to be at peace, loving and happy all her life. It has been a secret of not only her happiness but also of welfarism of nations. How does this knowledge work?
Treating herself as Soul a woman knew: Soul is eternal so there is nothing to be afraid of - problems come and go but life never ends. Soul is full of love - love does not give out, increase in love leads to increase in happiness. Soul is happiness, being happy is natural. Soul is beauty, it uncovers the best feelings. Soul means mercifulness and kindness. Soul is gentleness and warmness. Advanced, naturally developed Soul acts as a magnet to Courage that gives her protection. A woman that follows her gentle loving nature is always attractive to a strong generous man. This is known to be the law of harmony. It is the law of life that our ancestors believed and practiced. Purity, kindness and gentleness of a woman guaranteed her a happy life.That way, women remained under protection of men all their life: first, she would be protected by her father and brothers, then by her husband and in later years her sons and other relatives would support her. But who would bring up such honorable and strong men? A woman! When women find fault with men they rather should pay attention to how they raise their sons.
In the similar manner women would be under wing of every man in the society. Females of the past knew how to interact with men other than of her family without contamination of relationships. All elderly men were treated as fathers, younger ones were addressed as sons or younger brothers and men of the same age were referred as brothers. (c)
April 22, 2013
On the purpose of life · О цели жизни
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Thank you, Счастье по-женски |
The main purpose of my life is Divine Love experienced through selfless service, complete presence in the moment of now, seeing God at every turn, complete inner acceptance of everything and everybody, continuous gratitude and absolute absence of claims
(c) Rami Bleckt
Главная цель моей жизни – Божественная Любовь, через без-корыстное служение, полное присутствие в настоящем моменте, видение Бога везде и во всем, полное внутреннее всеприятие всего и всех, постоянное чувство благодарности и совершенное отсутствие претензий
(с) Рами Блект
April 10, 2013
The joy of life · Радость жизни
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Thank you, Женская санга! |
The joy of a song is always in the singing of it.
It's the same thing with life.
The joy of life is in the living of it.
Chuck Hillig Seeds for the Soul: Living As the Source of Who You Are
Ты поешь песню не для того, чтобы добраться до последней ноты.
Радость доставляет само пение.
То же самое касается жизни.
Радость в том - чтобы жить.
Чак Хиллиг Seeds for the Soul: Living As the Source of Who You Are
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