October 25, 2012

First snow in my hometown :)

I observed the first snow of the season yesterday while driving to Perm early morning. Today the first snow is in my hometown. Although the video does not show the real beauty and peace it is creating in the hood I'd like to share it with you hoping your morning is as good as mine ({})

October 22, 2012

Vintage cocktail outfit

Sweet a-line vintage dress, hand-made satin-silk flower brooch, abstract shape earrings bought at a flee market and so I was off to the Tatar cultural event :)

Sunshine :)


Great picnic on a sunny autumn day!

Great autumn weather, beautiful nature-friendly neighborhood, few joyful and adventurous family members, good Maasdam, fresh French baguette and, of course, fire - sometimes that is all you require to be grateful and excited like this:

October 15, 2012

Beautiful morning song · Красивая утренняя песня

This is exactly how the below shared song makes me feel =) It adds sunshine to this rainy weather!
Good morning to you and may you have a wonderful day and week! *hug

Именно так я себя чувствую, когда слушаю песню, которой хочу поделиться с вами сегодня =) Она разбавляет дождливую осень солнечным настроением!
Доброе вам утро, и пусть этот день и вся неделя будут для вас чудесными! *обнимаю

October 12, 2012

The power of simple things

Thank you, Life Vest Inside!
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

Breathe, Dream, Pray, Love · Дыши. Мечтай. Молись. Люби

"Breathe, Dream, Pray, Love" - most powerful song I have heard since quite some time and my today's morning motto =) My heart is full of joy and gratitude to God for His grace! I feel so blessed, so loved, so much happy... Like i have just touched a rainbow! I have no right to enjoy it without sharing...Who wants a hug? =) ... *HUG =))))
Is there anyone who'll - you know- be happy to such a beautiful beginning of his/her day or needs an act of kindness? Please share the song and your warm hug with such people and have a beautiful, kind...most superb day! Life is such "a short and crazy ride", let's not waste time!

October 9, 2012

Woman power: let's make it clear · Сила женщины: внесём ясность

The power of woman beauty originates in inner peace whereas...
 ...power of men comes from work.

Simple truth for the life and gender balance =)

Простая истина для соблюдения жизненного и гендерного баланса =)

Who wants a Madrasi curry treat? · Кто хочет угоститься Мадраси карри?

One of the greatest blessed gifts for any woman is ability to increase love in the world simply by cooking and feeding people. Girls I'll be happy to teach you one of the greatest recipes i have learnt while living in India - Madrasi curry. Let me know whether you are interested so when i am around we could meet, talk, laugh and cook together as well as create a good portion of good female energy for each other =)

Одним из самых больших подарков, которыми благославлена любая женщина, является способность увеличивать количество любви в мире, просто готовя еду и кормя ею людей. Девочки, я буду счастлива поделиться секретами приготовления одного из прекраснейших блюд, которыми я овладела, живя в Индии - Мадраси карри. Дайте мне знать, если вам интересно, и, когда я окажусь поблизости, мы сможем встретиться, поболтать, насмеяться и приготовить это блюдо вместе, как и сотворить хорошую порцию женской энергии друг для друга =)

A good morning dainty · Утреннее лакомство

My morning in order to be good has to be sweet =) I have recently discovered a beautiful way to treat myself for breakfast. Usual food - cottage cheese, dry fruits and nuts (particularly figs, hazelnuts and coconut flakes), condensed milk, honey, sweet spices (cinnamon and cardamom) - in a new shape. Nice'n'easy, baby =D

"Доброе утро - сладкое утро" -такой мой девиз. Недавно я открыла для себя красивый способ побаловать себя на завтрак. Обычная еда: творого, сухофрукты и орехи (а именно: инжир, лесной орех и кокосовая стружка), сгущённое молоко, мёд, сладкие специи (корица и кардамон), - в новой форме. Красиво и легко =D

October 8, 2012

My cozy and feminine autumn look · Мой уютный и женственный осенний образ

My wardrobe preferences have been shifting to more feminine looks since a couple of years. My love for dresses and skirts developed significantly when i discovered a "treasury" of vintage pieces at my family nest. Here i am wearing beautifully tailored emerald-green dress that used to belong to my mom. Accompanied by a hand-made golden waist-band, a vintage lace collar necklace and a big ring it feels so cozy for these autumn days, so girly and so much "me" =)

October 6, 2012

Get used to being happy! · Привыкайте счастливыми быть!

Source: Modern poetry/Современная поэзия
Привыкайте счастливыми быть!
Просыпаться с улыбкой лучистой…
И со взглядом по детскому чистым,
Привыкайте друг друга любить…

Научитесь плохое не звать,
Предвещая заранее беды…
Вы ведите другие беседы…
Научитесь душой расцветать…

Привыкайте добро замечать
И ценить то, что жизнью даётся…
И за счастьем бежать не придётся…
Будет счастье за вами бежать!

Научитесь подвоха не ждать
От людей незнакомых и близких…
Ведь у всех, у высоких, и низких
Есть желание – счастье познать…

Привыкайте не злиться на зло,
А рискните помочь, разобраться…
Если кто-то вдруг начал кусаться,
Значит, в чём-то ему не везло…

Научитесь прощенья просить
И прощать… Вам судьба улыбнётся.
И весна в вашу душу вернётся!
Привыкайте счастливыми быть… 

Ирина Самарина
Get used to being happy!
To waking up with sunshine on your face…
With a look that is childly pure,
Fall into a habit of loving each other…

Learn to not look for bad,
Bidding fair misfortune …
Engage in different conversations…
Teach yourself to make your soul bloom…

Become used to acknowledging kindness
And appreciate what is given in life…
And you will not have to chase happiness…
Happiness will run after you!

Learn not to expect any catch
From the people that are known or unknown…
Indeed all beings, short or tall
Desire to experience happiness…

Form a habit of not fighting anger back with anger,
Instead take a risk to help and figure out…
If somebody bites you,
He may have been out of luck…

Learn to ask for forgiveness
And forgive…You’ll get a smile from your fate.
And the spring will return into your soul!
Get used to being happy… 

Irina Samarina

October 5, 2012

Tears that can make a girl happy · Слёзы, которые могут сделать девушку счастливой

Lazy lunch · Ленивый обед

Few cubes of Maasdam semi-melted on a frying pan, french onion baguette warmed up using clarified butter, tomatoes with mixed herbs and garlic olive oil - you'd call it lazy lunch but i am truly enjoying it =) after all it's ok to skip cooking once in a while =D

Несколько кубиков Маасдама, подплавленных на сковороде, французский луковый багет, подогретый на топлёном масле, помидоры с травами и оливковым маслом, настоенном на чесноке - вы назвали бы это ленивым обедом, но я искренне наслаждаюсь =) в конце концов, иногда можно позволить себе перерыв в кулинарных "подвигах" =D

A kind song about little big things · Добрая песня о важном

October 4, 2012

Great cabbage-beetroot lunch idea · Отличная капустно-свекольная идея для обеда

You do not need a big lunch if you are a girl =) 
Here is my any time favorite choice - home-baked cabbage pie. It comes out delicious thanks to ghee-based (clarified butter based) dough and if also staffed with a little bit of cheese. Today the pie is accompanied by the simplest organic beetroot salad (boiled beetroot, sour cream, baby garlic, no salt - all veggies are from our organic garden). Bon appetite!

Piece of summer on my plate · Кусочек лета на тарелке

The last melon of the season organically grown by my mom. Not too sweet but pure and healthy. Absolute joy!
Do you have an easy access to the food that is 100% trusted to be good to people and nature?

Последняя дыня сезона, выращенная моей мамой в условиях, свободных от химикатов. Несладкая, но чистая и здоровая. Истинная радость!
А у вас есть свободный доступ к еде, которую со 100%-ной уверенностью можно назвать благой в отношении людей и окружающей природы?

Perfect song for this unexpectedly sunny morning · Идеальная песня для этого неожиданно солнечного утра

October 1, 2012

How hard-core meat lover went veg · Как любительница мяса стала вегетарианкой

Сегодня, во Всемирный день вегетарианства, я поняла, что я тоже... Практически не помню вкус мяса, уже не скучаю по вкусу рыбы, не смотрю в сторону яиц.. и так без малого 4 месяца.
Что нужно для того, чтобы решиться на отказ от мяса/рыбы/яиц, если любишь всё это настолько, что можешь есть его на завтрак, обед и ужин? Сильнейший стресс, перевернувший мир с ног на голову, поиски жизненного баланса, изучение законов жизни - это много или мало? :) На самом деле, это лишь предыстория, а силой, которая привела к решению попробовать вегетарианство, оказалась сила звука - я просто послушала лекцию, решила попробовать и пробую до сих пор. Бывает, по ошибке или незнанию, не обладая чувством разности вкусов, я съедаю что-то, содержащее яйца. Переживаю из-за этого. Но радуюсь, что каким-то удивительным образом мне легко отказываться от некогда любимейших далеко не вегетарианских блюд: традиционного татарского балеша, глазированного кекса, тайского карри с курицей, солёной сёмги... Кухня для меня является площадкой для развития творческого мышления и безграничных экспериментов. Супермаркет - место "раскопок" новых ингридиентов и вкусов. Руководствуясь принципами аюрведы, осваивая новые блюда разнообразных кулинарных традиций, я нахожу способ для придания простым блюдам изюминки, а значит, растёт моё кулинарное мастерство :)Я чувствую, как пришла в равновесие и наслаждается моя пищеварительная система. Я ощущаю больше любви к миру, узнаю от других людей, что стала спокойнее. Возможно, это результат комплексных действий, предпринимаемых мной с целью разбудить в себе истинную женскую природу. Но, разве в то же самое время мы не то, что мы едим?

Great anti-cold diet · Отличная анти-простудная диета

Fresh cranberries, lemon, honey, semi-hot water are mixed together into a 3-liter magic drink. One who has cold and fever is supposed to finish it within a day and avoid meals.
This original method came to me when it was most needed (thank you Olya *hug). But being not able to miss lunch - my most important meal of the day - and being always keen for experiments i decided to modify it a little. It has been working great to me. Here are few points i modified and/or added:
- the drink is spiced up with cinnamon and ginger powder (a tea spoon of each); lemon is used with no skin
- all 3 liters are to be consumed between 11 am and 4 pm SST, do not let it get cold
- since the drink contains honey it is advisable to protect yourself from cold
- meals are prepared in accordance with Ayurvedic nutrition guidelines
- meal timings are: breakfast - 6 to 8 am SST, lunch - 10 to 12 am SST, no dinner or a very light one at 6 pm SST, warm milk with cardamom and honey after 7 pm SST preferably just before going to bed
I hope if you are sick this AW season these simple steps help you get well as soon as i am doing it!

From India's wild nature to Paris fashion runway · Из дикой природы Индии на модный подиум Парижа

How did you like the Manish Arora SS 2013 collection?
His ideas are so close to what i believe is beautiful and some are pure inspiration! 

Great source for more pictures - #manish arora

In pursue of new meaning of sickness · В поисках нового смысла болезни

Many of you already know that i am down with cold and fever. Since I had to use dictionary to find the word "fever" I suppose the last time I dealt with it was long-loooong ago. So much long ago so I had to address my friends for an advice on how to get back to life quickly :) Thanks to the great support and tips I have had 3 liters of magic hot cranberry-lemon-honey drink, have wrapped myself in a nice warm duvet, have been sweating resting "the nasty thing" out and am able to sort the experience of last two month of silence in my head and get back to blogging :)
There are no movies, books, music, food or any other entertaining things. It is all about sincere and meaningful interaction with people dear to my heart, self-listening, self-reflection, raising questions and finding answers that give an absolutely different feeling to my experience of being ill which is indeed pleasant so is worth sharing :)
To begin with I'd like to ask - what does illness usually mean to us? An undesired constraint on the way of life? A signal to weak health? A proof to the fact that something is wrong with us or against natural order? Can illness be only a negative event stating mistakes of our life or something more than that or even something else? I'd like to share few daring thoughts on this question.
As mentioned earlier I usually do not get sick, at least fever is never in the list of symptoms. You'd describe me as a strong girl but frankly speaking there was too much of strength factor in my life. I started developing deep relationships with feminine side of me few months ago. I have been learning the science of strength in gentleness and love and the science of visible weakness. It may sound crazy but maybe my sickness is meant to be a tornado that aims to destroy whatever is left of male strength: when you fall sick you can't be strong even if you really want? Maybe it is also meant to bring the winds of selfless care and attention to let gardens of femininity inside me bloom as never before? I cannot say for sure but after all these years i eventually allow myself to not worry about but enjoy the experience of being sick and being taken care of... i have felt my heart melting and my mind relaxing lately. I hope it to be a sign of a awakening "Sleeping Beauty" in me ^^ :D
To me the sickness has also become the opportunity to learn more about myself and my scopes for improvement. Ayurveda that has been overwhelming me since some time states that each organ can be connected to a scope of personality features and that by fixing the latter part of this connection we can influence our health state. Following this amazing method I have discovered few attributes of my character that my body identified as "in need of attention". These attributes are: humility, activeness, concentration of attention and self-awareness. I bet decision to create this post was meant to be right: I am working on improvement of all of them right here, right now :D
Can you recollect at least one event in your life when a perfect plan was interrupted by an unforeseen circumstance? It may not have been a pleasant experience. But would you rather agree that it was needed and thus it was right? It's too early to make any conclusions but maybe my sudden sickness is a signal that it is not the right time/way for something to happen and that my imperfect plan needs corrections?
The last but not least point to mention is that being sick is what actually makes me get back to my regime of the day. I had to hold it on due to religious fast and traveling. I have dreamed of making it basis of my day-to-day life but as it usually happens waited for the right day :) Starting following it again now when I am sick feels so natural to my organism. It does not protest against but welcomes this healthy habit ;)
I suppose, no more words but one - thank you! ^^

Wake up and be awesome!

July 15, 2012

Sicilian broccoli · Брокколи по-сицилийски

Amazing dish! Pleasantly flavory and sweet. I modified original recipe by using clarified cow milk butter instead of olive oil, adding fresh garlic, onion, italian herbs and dill. Served with cottage cheese. Bon appetite!

Чудесное блюдо! Приятно ароматное и подслащённое. Я изменила оригинальный рецепт, использовав топлёное масло вместо оливкового, добавив свежий чеснок, лук, итальянские травы и укроп. Подаётся с белым несолёным сыром. Приятного аппетита!

Spicy cabbage · Пряная капуста

Cabbage + tomatoes + red chili (raw or flakes) + bell pepper + herbs + black pepper + salt - all to one's liking. Sauted in clarified cow milk butter. Served with sour cream to balance the taste. Bon appetite!

Капуста + помидоры + красный чили (свежий или хлопья) + болгарский перец + травы + чёрный перец + соль - всё по вкусу. Тушится на топлёном масле. Подаётся со сметаной, которая балансирует вкус. Приятного аппетита!

July 12, 2012

French bean pasta · Паста с зелёной стручковой фасолью

Yesterday I had 30 minutes and few ingredients to cook my lunch. Based on the Mediterranean recipe i created my sole version of French bean pasta by using clarified cow milk butter in place of olive oil, substituting garlic with ginger-garlic paste, giving basil a company of few italian herbs, spicing it with black pepper and putting parmigiano instead of ricotta cheese. I think all this combined gave a bright taste to this dish and made it more pleasant and nourishing.

Journey to love · Путь к любви

Am i ready to sacrifice most essential things for the sake of love? This is the question one who follows the way of spiritual development has to ask him-/herself every day. If i am not ready then love has not yet developed in my heart, then i am just in the beginning of my journey. That is why love is challenging: everybody can please his/her feelings but actual denying his/her affections lies on a different level - level of sacrifice and selfless devotion. That is why real love is being built on the spiritual ground. The rest is related to desire or lust. Lust takes place if one is ready to satisfy his/her feelings but is not ready to renounce his/her affections.

July 11, 2012

I am Early Bird. How I begin my day · Я - Ранняя Пташка. Как я начинаю свой день

I love mornings! Since i started my experiment of exploring Ayurvedic approach to the regime of the day morning has turned into time when lot's of good things happen to me. I'd like to share what makes it so joyful.
I wake up by 6 am SST. Although it is approximately 8.30 am this time of the year i do not stay in bed till so late, i am up by 6 am actual time of the place i am in. 
I fold the bed linen. 
I purify my mouth with few gargles and then have 2 cups of water. 
I make the room neat by putting everything in it's place, clean the floor and sprinkle a little bit of water on the bed. Ayurveda advises this as the first step of purification of one's consciousness after sleep. 
I brush my teeth, take care of my nails, visit toilet and after all that perform morning ablution which is both religious purification and Ayurvedic swill using cool water (cold water is not advised to women). I learned that just by performing morning ablution along with early awakenings one can become a 60-70% happier person. My experience proves it's true.
I return to the room and say prayers. This is time for conversation with God when i hear my inner self better and feel the love in and around me... 
No morning happens without special breakfast consisting of:
  • milk blended with cardamom, cinnamon and honey
  • sweet fruits like bananas, dates, raisins etc.
  • home-made cream cheese mixed with sweetened condensed milk
  • listening to the fascinating birds' singing.
Yes, my breakfast is very sweet but consumed before 7-8 am SST sugar not only does not affect your health but benefits it by giving good energy and positive mood - something that women must have a sufficient "stock" of =)
All this gives me incredible start and makes me feel like hugging the world!
It is said that happiness must be shared in order bring you a well-being. The simplest way to do it is to selflessly wish happiness to other people. I realized it is not so easy. I am so happy to have recently discovered that i can learn it from the person who knows the art of it every morning by tuning in Ayurveda radio channel on the internet. So at 8 am (6 am Moscow time) i meditate and spread the wish of happiness to all people.
Good beautiful morning, great blessed day, all happiness, well-being, virtuous things to you!

July 10, 2012

Princess of the night · Принцесса ночи

Quick & nourishing · Быстрый и питательный

Red kidney beans, red bell pepper, tomatoes, green olives, hard pressed cheese, croutons, olive oil, herbs - all to your liking.
UPD: try adding whole grain mustard and dill to enjoy the salad even more =)

Assurances by Max Ehrmann · Гарантии (Уверенность), автор Макс Эрманн

Situ Gutung, Indonesia (By Hardi Budi, Your Shot, National Geographic)
Thank you Save trees save earth!
Out of the silent moon,
Out of the midst of the Milky Way,
Out of the gleams of the sentry stars,
Out of the after-day -
Out of the wonderful songs of birds,
Out of the storm-wind's whistling throes,
Out of the living green fields,
Out of the bloom of the rose -
Out of the music laughter holds,
Out of the lips of kisses curled -
Boundless assurances everywhere,
Out of the joy of the world.
Max Ehrmann
Из тихой луны,
Из середины Млечного Пути,
Из проблесков сторожевых звёзд,
Из дня последующего,
Из чудесных песен птиц,
Из свестящей муки штормовых ветров,
Из живых зелёных полей,
Из цветка розы -
Из музыки, что излучает смех,
Из губ свернувшихся в поцелуе -
Проистекает уверенность отовсюду,
Из радости этого мира.
Макс Эрманн

July 9, 2012

I am Early Bird. Week 2 · Я - Ранняя Пташка. Неделя 2-ая

Analyzing the 1st week of my Early Bird experiment i realized that excess of energy that had suddenly came to me thanks to the new regime of the day, has to be given the right application. Imagine activities of a daughter invited to help her hyper-responsible mother, and you'll know what i am talking about =) Back then i decided to focus on what makes a girl happy. Could i imagine how the week would turn out to be? 
Two car accidents (do not worry "all is well") and postponed arrival of my sister added stress and changed my initial plan for which i am really grateful as i had a good opportunity to "practice" womanhood =)
There were no visits to SPA salon, no manicure, no long telephone girly talks... Of all others it was handling car accident with a missing guilty party that commenced the week-long lesson on how being a girl and acting as one helps solve the problem in the best way. You accept the situation as it is, relax, speak confidently but softly, listen carefully, do not argue, do not expect but develop strong faith in a good outcome and by sincerely sharing a kind smile, expressing gratitude inspire people who are here to help you... and magic happens. 
Getting the guilty driver identified and found within 1 day, making a "win-win" case out of the accident for both of us - no doubt i couldn't do it by myself. Professional management skills i was taught in the school of management alone wouldn't help either. It is the school of  relationships where Girls learn that they only then contribute the world when they increase amount of love in it. So regardless what i was doing after that incident: cooking, singing, sewing, emailing, conversing, washing clothes, making phone calls, getting work done, beautifying the house, playing with cat, sms-ing,... - i added extra kindness and care to my thoughts, words and actions. I do not have big results to share. Just peace it has been filling my heart with. It will take time and effort to see whether my inner change contributes my well-being as well as well-being of the world around me. But i hope that with time, energy, optimism, inspiration, inner motivation, confidence and insight resulted from following regime of the day i have been blessed with so much of what it takes to make it happen.

New angle on the King's Speech · Новый взгляд на "Говорящего Короля"

I watched The King's Speech again the other day. I use to highlight the brilliant cast, screen play, direction... so many "professional" attributes of the film that are no doubt praise-worthy. To me from now on it is also one of those rare movies which could be taken as a guide to true relationships - how one should serve his/her friend, spouse, country...

На днях вновь посмотрела "Король говорит". Для меня это всегда был фильм искусный, профессиональный, с блестящим актёрским составом, сценарием, режиссёрской работой... Но теперь я также считаю его одной из тех редких картин, которые действительно учат настоящим отношениям - тому, как следует служить другу, супругу, стране...

July 6, 2012

When a Girl is a true life companion · Истинная спутница жизни

1. She who deeply understands the purpose of life of her husband as well as opportunities of his destiny is his true life companion.
When a woman marries a man she has to get truly inspired but what a man considers his life purpose. She has to completely support his goals and inspire him to do whatever he considers needful. She has to be very excited about his purpose and look forward to it. By doing this she kindles his enthusiasm, actually nourishes his sense. As a result he self-develops very quickly. He matures. But there is a condition: if a woman does not accept living circumstances which her man is able to provide in the very beginning, she will destroy her life as well as life of her husband.
Woman has to bless her destiny for the life she was given, she has to be absolutely satisfied by what her destiny brings her. When she is satisfied she does not demand anything from her husbandю When she is at peace her husband himself starts developing quality of responsibility, he blooms as a man and this is what grows her love for him.
2. There cannot be expected happy family life if wife is not able to inspire her man to fulfill his responsibilities. If she fails to do it her family loses wealth and all other things.
Woman's main quality is ability to inspire her man to fulfill his responsibilities. To inspire means respect him and take care of him, support him in what he intends to do the right thing and do not support his unwillingness to do it. woman has to be very strict with her husband when he does not want to fulfill his duty, she has to be like a stone and her behavior has to be firm.
3. If a woman possesses all qualities of a true life companion her husband has nothing more to wish, he has everything. But if she does not have those qualities he has nothing.
4. Could there be bigger treasure in life than such a just wife.
5. A good wife upon rising worships not God but expresses her respect for her husband and Vedas consider it to be sufficient. Even clouds will obey such a woman and rains will fall at her command.
She who takes up ascesis to see her husband as dignified person and respect him becomes puissant personality. It is very difficult for a woman to do so due to the special thing she has about her psychу - she cannot not see the truth. She can see through one and knows all his qualities at once. If a woman is pure with regards to her husband she knows all his twists and turns and despite this she has to obey him. When a woman is determined to respect her husband unconditionally she gradually observes him changing as well. 
6. Is there any use in woman's selflessness and ascesis if she develops herself but not relationships with her husband. Что проку в отречении и аскетизме женщины, которая работает над собой и не работает над отноешниями с мужем.
Indeed only those women who invest all their energy into their husbands reach perfection in their lives. Else their family breaks due to the fact that difference in mental position between a wife and a husband becomes fatal.
Tirukkural narrated by doctor O.G.Torsunov

Fight for destiny · Битва за судьбу

"One must fight for his/her destiny every second of his/her life. The only way to do it is Prayers and positive determination."

"Каждую секунду своей жизни человек должен сражаться за свою судьбу. Единственный способ сражаться – это Молитвы и позитивные настрои."

July 4, 2012

Vegetable "quiche" · Овощной "киш"

Let me introduce result of an hour and a half baking activity. I am not a gifted cook but the quiche turned out to be nice =) I call it "quiche" but to be precise it is not a real quiche as it does not contain eggs. I am glad that 6% milk-30% sour cream-Holland cheese mixture has worked well =) 
Balanced, tasty and nourishing - perfect for the Early Bird lunch!

Diamonds are like Girls - both are born beautiful · Бриллианты как Девушки - и те, и другие рождаются красивыми

4 kinds of love · 4 вида любви

1. Virtuous love means desire to selflessly do good to your loved one or care. Love for work also belongs to the virtuous kind.
2. Passionate love is marked by egoistic mindset: everybody who loves me has to take care of me, only then i will love them back.
3. Benighted love results from alcohol. One has a drink, feels good. Another kind of benighted love is distorted love which brings only suffering. Addiction to alcohol leads to this kind of love.
4. There is love that stands above all these 3 ones - love for God. Person that has this rear gift automatically develops all good attributes of character.
(c) 2000-2004, Doctor O.G.Torsunov, WWW.TORSUNOV.RU

1.Любовь в благости означает желание бескорыстно сделать что-то хорошее для близкого человека или забота. Любовь к труду также находится в благости.
2.Любовь в страсти характеризуется эгоистической установкой, все кто меня любит должны заботиться обо мне, тогда и я буду их любить.
3.Любовь в невежестве бывает от спирта. Подвыпил, и стало хорошо. Также в невежестве находится извращенная любовь, которая приносит одни страдания. Постоянное употребление спиртного как раз приводит к такой любви.
4.Существует любовь, которая стоит выше этих трех видов - это любовь к Богу. У человека, который обладает этим редким даром, автоматически развиваются все хорошие качества характера.
(c) 2000-2004, Доктор О.Г.Торсунов, WWW.TORSUNOV.RU

July 3, 2012

Guess what this is · Отгадайте, что это ;)

I am Early Bird. Week 1 · Я - Ранняя Пташка. Неделя 1-ая

Few of my veg creations i cooked last week
Hello Guys!
First of all sorry to keep a little silent about my experiment. I have to say new routine has given me so much energy so there was no time to post about but so much of it to do things =D
I have got a little time and the right mood so let's not loose it to numerous words and focus on facts!
Here are discoveries of the 1st week:
  • I do not get lazy when i get up before 6 am. 
  • It is pure, proved by practice true that you get the biggest portion of optimism and energy as a reward for early awakenings! Moreover, ...
  • ... combined with timely breakfast they make your head light, thoughts clear. You get insights and slowly progress in understanding the essence of things which bothered you for long time.
  • It appeared to be surprisingly easy to have been practicing new nutrition routine (no meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs or whatever is a result of taking life). At a first glance it seemed to had significantly limited variety of what i cook and eat. But in point of fact when "the door got closed, i discovered the window" - inspiration to adapt my favorite recipes and look for new ones. Herbs and spices are indeed my best helpers! It is important to add that unlike many people changing their food habits i do not crave for food. The only time i get hungry is lunch time which excites me a little. But the magic exercise i described in the next point calms me down and makes me achieve the right state of mind for having my meal and activities thereafter.
  • I noticed that different approaches to cooking and having your meal affects your efficiency and the way you feel and even the way you are. Believe it or not but while reflecting on this topic the other day i acknowledged it really benefits me if i wish everyone happiness, think of my loved ones while cooking and begin all meals (especially lunch) with dedicating the food to God. It is a magic exercise that squeezes ego element from your activities and things you may be attached to, here - food. 
  • My digestion has significantly improved!
  • What was and is really difficult is to develop good relationships with my family. Particularly not to get upset when it comes to dealing with mom. I have accepted the fact that we are very different but i lack ability to remain unaffected by her words and behavior and react with love and kindness in return instead of getting upset. What helps me in developing this quality is reminding myself that she is my mom and creation of God and so even if i think she is not right it is my responsibility to be loving and caring because this is what God wants. I breath out and find right words that help us first listen, then hear each other. I am not always patient but when i am it works: it changes her behavior which reinforces my love for her - it is inspiring =)
Being perfectionist in everything i have completely soaked myself in to the new routine. If it was for "old" me i'd be happy about my numerous accomplishments of the week. But having decided to actualize my potential of being a girl i am sad to say that i did not spent much time on activities that contribute my female energy and womanhood in general. So the focus of this week is to combine both challenges trying not to overplay with neither of them.


Thank you, Дыхание жизни!
А child smiles averagely 300 times a day, adult - 17 times. Ok, now  let's smile all together and muddle this statistics! =D

В среднем в день ребёнок улыбается 300 раз, взрослый - 17. А теперь все дружно улыбнулись и испортили статистику! =D

This morning song...· Песня этого утра

Never stop loving · Любите не переставая

Thank you, Life Vest Inside!
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~ Mother Teresa
"Нам не под силу делать великие дела, лишь маленькие, но подкреплённые большой любовью" ~ Мать Тереза

June 26, 2012

I am Early Bird. Day 1 · Я - Ранняя Пташка. День 1-ый

So the beginning of my 28-day experiment was marked yesterday =) Frankly speaking while getting ready to it i have been trying to wake up and go to sleep as Ayurveda advises for approximately 2 weeks. Not every singly day but it is serious now =)
I have to say it is easier to wake up by 6 am than let's say 9 or even 11 am. Believe i know what i am talking about ;) It is even much easier to wake up at 5 am BUT provided you get not less than 7 hours of sleep (8 hours in my case as i am a learner =) every day.
I loved it and here are few reasons why:

  • nothing can be compared to the understanding of the fact that you get awakened along with nature. Especially this time of the year makes it unbelievably beautiful process!
  • Birds get truly excited and create happy tunes right till 6 am SST. And believe you won't hear such sweet melodies after 6!
  • i love the feeling of personal space you get when the rest of the family is still asleep. I do love their company but to me it is time when i gain most of my female energy and thus feel myself so peaceful and feminine =) Right, it all happens as the Moon is still active at this time!
  • i discovered happiness of beginning my day with a prayer and my intimate conversation with God. I finally allocated time to learning my daily prayers - something which used to plan since a long time but never truly fulfilled. Indeed, i agree with doctor Torsunov on his opinion that when you share your love with God you are being blessed back so much more.
  • waking up so early gives me some strange inner motivation. I mean even if i feel reluctant to doing something i planned and look for excuses immediately something "kicks" me from within and i automatically go and do what is required.
  • i get to eat lots of sweet things: dates, bananas, raisins and a cup of cool milk shaken with honey, cinnamon and cardamom - i have truly sweet start of the day =D  
Some people have to really work on early wake-ups. To me going to sleep is a much bigger challenge. By nature i do not watch much TV so excluding this activity from my evening routine is not a problem but surfing on the net especially when you are in bed is very tempting =) Forcing myself to fall asleep by 10 pm latest. Tips on how to go to sleep early anyone?

PS: my Monday lunch - Brussels Sprout Souse to my cute "bow" Pasta - true veg paradise dish for cheese lovers!

June 24, 2012

The Early Bird experiment. Regime of nutrition · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Режим питания

According to Ayurveda in order to sustain physical energy a human needs not more than 2 hands of food daily (including the daily dose of water). What really requires nutrition is our mind. Due to the fact that our mind has many different attributes, our nutrition should contain dishes with "picturesque" flavors and various ingredients. Preference of particular articles of food can tell a lot about one's personality. Moreover, having any given food forms/reinforces specific personal traits. By learning how to choose and combine different ingredients in a correct manner and having meals in compliance with the Sun and Moon cycles one is able not only to nourish one's mind with energy of optimism but also change his/her personality to the good. I shall write on how to influence on character with the help of food next time. Right now I would like to share some knowledge on how to organize your regime of nutrition in order to have an energetic and cheerful day. 
The best time for breakfast is from 6 to 7 am as per the Sun time. Raising above the horizon the Sun puts the energy of life in motion. Along with this the wind arises. In such a manner the energy of the air starts moving in our bellies. Intestine is organ of active nature that is why this energy circulates there faster than anywhere else in the body. At this time intestine "awakens". The healthiest and most "serene" articles of food which undoubtedly sustain energy of happiness and do not harm human's health, are:
  • all fruits, especially dates, bananas, figs, mango and berries (dry fruits are recommended in winter and fresh ones are good in summer only if one does not have indigestion problems)
  • sweetened "serene" curdled milk
  • sugar, honey (even diabetic patients will not have troubles from sugar provided they have it from 6 to 8 am but receive energy of happiness; it will be completely absorbed by cells thanks to the influence of the Moon)
  • sweet spices: cinnamon, cardamom, barberry, fennel, thyme, star anise
  • nuts, sour cream, buckwheat (only if one is promised a physically active start of his/her day)
Following these recommendations one does not face atrophy of his/her perception, he/she has enough energy for active start of the day. Moreover this diet can improve low activity of psyche and body. If a person has grains in any form he/she does not receive energy but looses it to his/her stomach. He/she will feel worried, his/her mind will be restless, the lunch time will be shifted to a much later period when the power of the Sun will be not enough to digest the food, it will be only pushed in to the intestine. In order to recover from such a feast person will spend 3 hours which is 18 times longer than after a well-timed lunch. Lunch based on grains and beans between 11 and 12 am will not bring any digestion troubles irrespective the volume and variety of the meal. Person who follows this "law" will receive positive nourishment of the mind. He/she will not feel hunger till 6-7 pm or commonly till the next day morning. The food and time will not get wasted. All that organism needs will be absorbed thanks to the active digestion.
So grains and beans are equal to the best lunch. They are recommended to be cooked with rendered butter which gives the dish the power of heat which helps digestion. Vegetable oil could also be used but it should be added to the dish only after it's cooked. It is prohibited from being used for frying.
One can eat vegetables from 6 до 9 pm. Being influenced by the Moon, they are well absorbed and do not cause discomfort in the night. The most recommended vegetables are those that grow above the ground (except tomatoes). Underground vegetables such as potatoes, beetroots, carrots etc. are not advisable for evening meals. 
Starting from 9 pm one is recommended to have nothing but milk. Yes, despite all warnings of modern doctors of medicine, the cow milk is known to be one of the most "serene" article of food for a human if one knows when it should be consumed. The best time commences at 7 pm and lasts for 12 hours. Being a "moon" product milk is digested as well as it is beneficial (specifically to women and children) only if consumed in the night. One should have hot (almost boiling) milk before 3 am and cold one after 3 and till 7 am (in winter - only hot milk).
Important note: it is crucial to set your heart to all the daily meals by saying a prayer, dedicating your food to God, wishing happiness to all people.
Important note 2: since we are talking about food that is meant to give us pure energy of happiness and purify our sense, intellect and organism meat, poultry, fish and seafood must be excluded from the daily routine (see why) 
Food for Thought - a table that shows few articles of food and best time to have them for the healthiest nourishment of sense, intellect and body

June 21, 2012

Every morning motto · Девиз каждого утра

PS: no ego allowed here ;)
ПС: для эго в этом не должно быть места ;)

25 responsibilities for a happy family life · 25 обязанностей для счастливой семейной жизни

1. To get married and create a family
2. To preserve the family
3. To "make" her man a man
4. To organize all domestic cares
5. To exercise domestic cares
6. To be loyal to her husband with her body, in her deeds and thoughts
7. To become her man's best friend
8. To be beautiful and attractive to her man
9. To inspire her man
10. To eat sweet meats
11. To wear jewelry
12. To enjoy beautiful clothing
13. To wear long skirts
14. To always experience closeness to her man - to not estrange from him
15. To respect her man
16. To appreciate and give praise to her man
17. To admire her man
18. To obey her man
19. To manage her emotions
20. To be moderate and patient
21. To speak serenely and gently
22. To be sensitive and tender
23. Take part in child-rearing
24. To do good to her husband - do it with love
25. To not fulfill her husband's role.

1. To take leadership in man-woman relationships
2. To being responsible for external policy - having friends, relationships with other people
3. To expanding space - house, flat
4. To earning family income
5. To identifying his personal nature: "intellectual"/"manager"/"trader"/"crafter"
6. To finding a job/business in accordance with his personal nature
7. To giving inspiration/permission to his wife
8. To respecting his wife
9. To feeling reverence for his wife, protecting her
10. To not criticizing his wife, accepting her the way she is
11. To not talking over his wife
12. To being responsible for moral education of his family
13. To being responsible for physical development of his family
14. To being responsible for spiritual/religious education of his family
15. To being the leader in child-rearing
16. To identifying principles of mutual life - understanding of purpose of life
17. To differentiating spheres of mutual life - man must know which are his duties and which ones belong to his wife
18. To being serious human being
19. To being person respected by the society
20. To understanding woman's changeable nature
21. To providing his woman with sweet meets, jewelry and beautiful garments
22. To being loving to his wife so she could feel it
23. To eat cereals
24. To feeling reverence for his wife's parents and respecting them more than his own parents
25. Husband's parents have to respect their daughter-in-law more their own son

June 19, 2012

The "Early Bird" experiment. Sun Standard Time · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Солнечное стандартное время

I bet most of you got mixed feelings after reading my posts about regime of rest and regime of awakening. It is indeed the fact - our daily routine is too far from following what our ancestors practiced. Frankly speaking my first reaction to it was excitement but lack of belief i could do it. But here is the "icing on the cake" for some of us which may improve your motivation: time of going to sleep as well as time of waking up i mentioned previously are different from the standard time most of us live in.
As we remember Sun influences people the most. In relation to the Earth, the Sun has got it's own time "routine". I did not find such thing as "the Sun Standard Time" (SST) but allow me to use it in order to keep the difference. The latter happens due to various reasons both objective and subjective which i will not discuss here. What i'd like to do is to share how we can identify SST in our hometowns.
Step 1: identify the sunset and sunrise time in your hometown, for example here (works well for both Russian and English languages speakers)
Step 2: insert the data into SST calculator and press "Calculate".
In such a manner we find out that, for example, being in Moscow this summer allows one to wake up not later that 7.30 am and go to sleep before 10.30 pm and feel happier day by day =) Due to the fact that Bombay is located close to the equator its standard time is almost equal to the Sun time throughout the year, it is just 40 min ahead of it. As for myself, being in my hometown at the moment i can wake up and go to sleep almost 2,5 hours after the Sun time. At least it is a good start as i intend to learn waking up before 6 am irrespective the time difference. 

The "Early Bird" experiment. The best time to awaken · Эксперимент "Ранняя Пташка". Самое лучшее время для пробуждения

Yesterday we figured out how organization of your rest time in accordance with universal cycles and powers can help your pursue your happiness and quality of life in general on a daily basis. What also life tonus of our mentality, intellect and organism is directly connected to is the time of our awakening.
Those who are able to wake up between 2 and 3 am with no consequences for their mental health can show significant progress on their way of self-discovery. During this period of time the Sun activity is yet not strong whereas the Moon influences our intellect quite significantly. As a result our intellect naturally comes to the state of peace and and rest. It is quite holesome to pray and think about God during these early hours. But waking up so early makes a human extra-sensitive thus it is not advisable to such person to spend lot of time in crowded places.
Awakening from 3 to 4 am gives one enough potential to develop knowledge of their spiritual nature. At the same time the level of psychic sensitiveness of a person does not become too high so he/she is not required to follow estranged way of life. Although this period of time is recommended for spiritual practice only. By saying a prayer every morning between 3 and 4 am one will gradually discover rooted secrets of his/her soul. But there is one condition - such people have to try spending more time communicating with spiritually pure people.
If one wakes up between 4 and 5 am he/she succeeds to turn his personality from being pessimistic to a complete optimist. This is exact time when the Earth is in the state of optimism. Song birds feeling this begin to sing. At this time other activities rather than spiritual are not advisable. It is the best time to read relevant books, pray and wish happiness to all people.
Those who have the ability to wake up between 5 and 6 am every day show vivacity and potential to fight any illness. During this period of time one can practice spiritual knowledge. The best activity at this time is to memorize prayers or any other needful information. The later will be quickly borne in mind thanks to extra-sensitiveness of the intellect as well as to low activity of both the Sun and the Moon.
When the Sun "reaches" equator all functions of our organism yield to the opposite ones. At the moment of this pass through the deepness of our sleep suddenly changes due to the Sun forcing us wake up and giving life energy to our bodies. The longer we stay in bed and the higher the Sun rises above the horizon the less chances we get to be happy this day.
Those who get up between 6 and 7 am do it after the Sun and in return their life tonus occurs to be rather lower that they'd want. Their business goes not bad but they often make a muff of it, their health is more or less good but it leaves much to be desired in critical life circumstances. Such people will not have sufficient margin of physical as well as psychic safety.
In such a way in order to adopt positive disposition of the Earth and become an optimist for a whole day, one must wake up earlier than our planet, in other words before 6 o'clock in the morning.
By waking up between 7 and 8 am a person misses out his time and he is guaranteed to have much weaker physical and psychic tonus than he is assumed to. He/she fails to fight some health troubles.
People who tend to wake up between 8 and 9 am cannot win over negative attributes of their character and usually have vicious habits. Getting up at this time of the day promises big life difficulties, inveterate and obstinate health disorders, disappointments and misfortunes. Such people will find it difficult to form an estimate of a situation and take necessary decision. They will fail to make a right choice in their life and will be tied to the chariot of occasions with no energy to change their life.
The later the awakening the worse is result: depression, apathy, reluctance to live, disappointment about destiny, fears, suspicion, anger, progressing sthenic illness, early disability, premature aging.
Again if one sincerely wants to change regime of the day he finds such opportunity. Given genuine desire he/she gets understanding of how to act in any, even most difficult situation, as well as he/she gets desire to act. In such a case the person who wants to change has to learn to love his/her relatives and perform his/her duties. This all must be done irrespective of disadvantages of family members due to one reason - everybody surrounding us are sent to be our punishment for past sins (and thus for me personally they are our blessing extended to us to make us self-improve). By taking decision to become the first who acts in the wright manner and tolerates injustice coming from his/her relatives this person becomes more sensible than his/her relatives and thus becomes able to change both his/her and their destiny for good.
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Sun Standard Time"
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